Sunday, December 23, 2012


Pork roasts are the main consumption of many animals. That being said, it is wise to find yourself in the forest within a manly cave or a kind of reckoning bell. I have come to believe that it is the will of humankind that I have to locate the jewels within the tightest crevasses inside my heart. Only then can I truly be invisible to my enemies and create the kind of lactose environment that I oh-so-much crave.

I have written many times on the subject of cheese, but this is the one that sets me apart. If only I could find the kind of woman who would be so interested as to locate my dessert hands. They really need me this time of year and I find that the only way to purchase them is to pass judgement on my peers by peering into their souls to find which shoulder shrugs at the sight of my nails.

All of that aside, I have not yet found my real chops.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


In a time without commitment there is only waffles. Small waffles mostly, which only tell time. The time, of course, being about time.
I haven't found myself in the syrup for it is too thick. I only know that my face is abundant with metamorphosis.
What is the meaning behind tables and table like people, they only stare at wolves like animals waiting for slumbering caterpillars. The only way to find yourself is through the intrepid solace of the space time continuum, such as a long bow from which the arrows filled the vines with a face full of pie and sometimes writhing snakes.
My mother is about to find the way through the forest, hidden in the shrouds of a monstrous colossus.
If I had found the pants in the mirror then I would have never sat on the steal wool of nether wood.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hallucinated Transparency

I've had a good time with doing things lately.
I got to do a thing with many people that was quite fortuitous, as events go..
I think that if I continue in this path it will be most good for Myslef.
-He's a really good guy.

I thought about doing a thing the other day,
and then a person told me,
"That's not what most people do"
so then I was like,
"You're right."
and then I didn't do it..
-Because I want to fit in.

I was thinking about how I can make a difference in this world..
Then I was like,
"That's not what most people do.."
-Because that's what happens when you listen to people.

If I were to tell you that I'm successful in all my endeavors
It would most likely not be true.
Why, just the other day I saw a lady, whome I thought was a good look,
and I thought,
"I should go to talk to hwer.."
But then I didn't.

So, in clossing..
Look at ladies,
but do not talk.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wafting the Draft

So, today seems like a grandiose day for a blog to post in a website.
SO I'ma do that, then.

Today's post is brought to you by;
Those little pebbles you find inside your shoe
and have no idea how they got in there to begin with.

Many times, people come and ask me what to do.
And I tell them that I have to do things.
And then they're like, "What?"
And I'm like, "Yeah, totally"
So the crisis is averted once again.

Squares #4

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Squares #3

think a blog

I think that I'm going to be doing a blog for today.
Usually I just make up random shit and write that down.
But for today I think I would like to type up a bit of structure, because I'm cool like that.

SO, as of today, it has been 0 days since I have eaten at Taco Bell.
(A fine establishment)

Also, I am currently unemployed.
I'm not saying that I got a job at Taco Bell, because there isn't one in my household proximity,
I'm just saying that I went to Taco Bell and that I'm unemployed.
Those are two completely separate statements that have absolutely nothing to do with each other..
I don't even know why I mentioned that I ate at Taco Bell today..
Even though it's delicious..

SO, I am unemployed.
I've filled out many applications to many different businesses and I still have not been contacted by any of them..
Not my fault.
Totally their fault.
I thought that I might have been able to get some sort of a creative job/work environment, but no such luck..
I doubt that would ever happen this early in my career that I would receive such an advantageous employment..
It seems like that's something that will be available in my latter years.

Anyway, I've been looking for a job, and the only industry I think I might have a slight chance in getting involved with is Food-Service.
(Again, nothing to do with Bell-Taco)
Unless I can find something extraordinary.

I would like to get involved in radio or some shit,
because I do believe that I have a suitable voice for that sort of a thing.
But, alas, it is a dream.

This is fucking boring as shit.
I miss having fun with bloggs.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Same of Arbitration

Hello today.
I would like to take a moment to say that I am currently in a long term.
And that's a good thing to do.

A lot of people come up to me and ask ,
"How many do you have?"
And I'm like,
"About twenty."
And then we slap five and call it a day.

If it were up to you, would you give a dog a bone?
Or would you withhold,
teasing, and toying with the canine,
as it actively attempt to chew and gnaw at said bone?
-Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should.
-Because most of the time it is cruel.
-And chicks don't dig cruel dudes..
--Except for Eva B.
-- That lady had some daddy issues to be sure..

For the most part,
I particulate the manifestation of conservation
in this conversation.
In particular, the ratification of the ObamaNation.
-I do raps sometimes.
-Because I have a friend.

What if you could copy everything you ever wanted?
Would it be worth the time?
And why do you always need two?

Monday, May 21, 2012

a long mellow

Hwhy hallow, ladies unt Jen Tallman.
Today's issue of my blog is created by me and would be most delicious if eaten under an apple tree.
Such as sir Apple-Seed did in 1842.

Many of my compatriots have fallen in the wake during the past millennia and that is saddening.
But never tear up your satchels..
Because you never know when you may need to put a thing in a thing.
And purses are always fancy, as many woe-men can say to you after you ask them about them.
Trst my.. I ask many questioness.
It's the truthe.

Today I would like to talk to you about your tooth pastes.
Mine is a mixture of salt water and vines.
But yours may be different, according to your taste buds.
If you like to follow the pack, you can do that.
But I challenge you to not do that.
If you accept my challenge, then do as follows.

Make a list of things to do.
And make sure that one of the things.
Such as the starting thing, on the list.
Is about the polarization of the arctic tundra.
Make a loud noise on top of an ice-shelf and see if you can survive the fall.

In closing.
Respect that of which you don't understand.
That is all..

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A little bit o' manliness up on thass..

Halloween was a while ago and I was thinking to myself..
" what should I wear for makeup"
So I went to my Trove and thought up a thing that would make me the prettiest lady in ball.
And I have to say, that after a while a lot of people started paying attention to me.
Witch, as we all know, it the reason anyone does anything.
SO, After a time I thought to myself,
" maybe I should dance on the floor until my booty shakes no more"
So I began to dance all up in the house until a lady shouted at me for making a scene.
She, of course, was jealous of my hands and then proceeded to shake her fist at me for the entire evening.
I was like
" layeddy.. Stop being so insecure about your forceps and groove on my face."
Which, of course, she was all about too.
I thought,
" maybe I should make her eat some ice cream while this is happening.."
Because we all know what ice cream makes us do.
And if she had some at the moment we made extravagant whoopie, it would make me feel improntrant.
That's why I say we should always make cream-cakes.
Not those false advertisments..

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's a Girl

I just cannot stop thinking about this girl.
It's been two nights since I've seen her and yet her image still does not wander far from my mind.
She is beautiful.
I see her looking up at me and I see her laughing.
It didn't seem to matter what I said that night, she just kept laughing even though it wasn't a good joke.
But her laugh wasn't fake.
It was truthful, honest, sincere.
I remember there was a moment when our eyes met and the room seemed to fall silent.
As if time and space wished to live in that moment as I did.
Looking back, it seemed like we stared at each other for hours.
Though, in reality, only seconds had passed.
The world came crashing back.
And little after that, she was gone.
I don't know her name.
I don't know her number.
I don't even know her voice.
I can only hope that she will come back some day.
Or that we will have a random encounter in this maelstrom.
I hope that I will see her again.

Friday, February 17, 2012

F The Stem!

A while ago I was really feeling writing a set.
But then the moment passed and I was like..
What the hell, man? Where did that sudden inspiration come from?
Then I realized that it came from writing a blog psot.
And I was like, that's interesting..
So I'm writing anothier own to see it.
If it happens agian.

I like writing wrods differently because I'm an individual.
The system can't hlod me dwon!

Post Tit Le

I've got this stand up shit tonight.
I haven't done any work on it again..
Lately my stuff has been getting worse and worse because I've been in a very procrastinatory mood about it.
I should probably change that.
But I'm playing this video game.
And it's really good.
Also I just got all this Mountain Dwa and that needs to be drank.
Also I wanted to re-watch Spaced Series 2.
Also I was going to make a YouTube video.
I've gat oll thise thengs to do bofore tenight's set.
Don't know what to do..
Probably just going to play this video game until I want to sleep.
Then try and do some standup later..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'd like to start this post with a "Hey Everybody" because I know that there's at least one person out there who reads this and it's not me..
So that's encouraging.
An encouraging way to start the day after Valenitimese.
Happy blayted Valenmitense dAiye.
It's about time I break down the brass-tax and make it availible to the countrymen.
I enjoy rockets as much as you, But this is the real shit!
And I think evemery mbody should be a part vit.
Not only are we making a head.
We are lso making a station.
That will be visible in space.
When you also in space.
So tthat' said.
I'm going to cook my fries.

NNHappy Velenmtinse.
toao vrybdy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So this is the fourth day in a row that I've had a dream where, in which, I have a girlfriend.
I fucking understand that my subconscious wants me to get one, alright.
It's not like I can just fucking go out willy-nilly and pick up the perfect girl on the side of the road.
I can pick up some random girl, but then I'd have to pay her and I could get a disease.. So I'ma-void that.
But I'm getting pissed at my subconscious for pounding this shit in my face every fucking night.
I've been doing what I can to get girls.
I've been looking/smelling good.
But I guess the big thing is actually going up and talking with them..
Which I am not good at, in the slightest.
Last time I got a girl we were introduced. Then we hit it off..
But I was never one of those dudes who just went up to some random girl he thought was hot and was like "Hey bitch, I've got a big penis."
I was never that guy.
Because not only do I respect women enough to not call them bitches, ever. I also don't mention the size of my penis..
I just let them find out for themselves how massive it is.
Because that's the way I think it should go.

I don't know..
I'm just getting more and more pissed that I haven't had a girl.
Especially since it's been over a year since my last girl.
-And now she's getting married, which is awesome.-

It's shitty being single when you're a girlfriend guy.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Making a blog is fun..
I've been trying to get people to give me questions for a YouTube videos that I want to make.
But no one has done that.
It's chill.

I still don't know what I want my blog to be about.
I'm thinking about it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A blog.

This is the first one.
Where it all begins.
Feel good for me because I've joined another social media.
This time, I just talk about myself and don't really have to care about what other people think or have to say about what I say.
So it'll be fun.
I think.

I'm making chili.

I think that's a good first post.