Halloween was a while ago and I was thinking to myself..
" what should I wear for makeup"
So I went to my Trove and thought up a thing that would make me the prettiest lady in ball.
And I have to say, that after a while a lot of people started paying attention to me.
Witch, as we all know, it the reason anyone does anything.
SO, After a time I thought to myself,
" maybe I should dance on the floor until my booty shakes no more"
So I began to dance all up in the house until a lady shouted at me for making a scene.
She, of course, was jealous of my hands and then proceeded to shake her fist at me for the entire evening.
I was like
" layeddy.. Stop being so insecure about your forceps and groove on my face."
Which, of course, she was all about too.
I thought,
" maybe I should make her eat some ice cream while this is happening.."
Because we all know what ice cream makes us do.
And if she had some at the moment we made extravagant whoopie, it would make me feel improntrant.
That's why I say we should always make cream-cakes.
Not those false advertisments..